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Енглеско-српски речник

BETA Serbian-English translation for: What is going on or What is happening
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What is going on or What is happening in other languages:

English - Serbian
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Dictionary Serbian English: What is going on or What is happening

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

Šta se događa?What is going on? or What is happening?
Partial Matches
Unverified Šta nije u redu?What is wrong?
Šta je? [razg.]What is the matter?
Kakvo je vaše mišljenje?What is your opinion?
Koliko je sati?What time is it?
Kako si?How's it going?
to jeit's [it is]
ili {conj}or
ili ... ili {conj}either ... or
Unverified pre ili kasnije {adv}sooner or later
гео. Unverified Severna Koreja {ž}North Korea <.kp> [internet TLD is inactive] <NK>
šta {pron}what
zašto {adv}what for
zbog čega {adv}what for
Unverified Pa šta? [razg.]So what? [coll.]
Šteta!What a pity!
U čemu je fazon? [razg.]What's the catch?
Kako se zoveš?What's your name?
Šta vi mislite?What do you think?
Šta misliš?What do you think?
Šta ti misliš?What do you think?
Gde si? [razg.]What's up? [Am.] [coll.]
Šta ima? [razg.]What's up? [Am.] [coll.]
Izvolite!What can I do for you?
Kako Vam mogu pomoći?What can I do for you?
Unverified jeis
Unverified nijeis not
imathere is
postojithere is
Unverified Ko je?Who is it?
Ko je?Who is there?
On je dobro.He is doing well.
Unverified Koliko to košta?How much is it?
Ja se zovem Frank.My name is Frank.
Moje ime je Frank.My name is Frank.
na {prep}on
гео. Ontario {m}Ontario <ON>
Ajde! [razg.]Come on!
naon (the)
Unverified na čekanju {adv}on hold
namerno {adv}on purpose
na vreme {adv}on time
na vrhu {adv}on top
radnim danima {adv}on weekdays
pravo {adv}straight on
Unverified računati nato count on
koncentrisati se nato focus on
fokusirati se nato focus on
probavati [nesv.]to try on
probati [sv.]to try on
uključitito turn on
oblačiti [nesv.]to put on [clothes]
obući [sv.]to put on [clothes]
Unverified na plažion the beach
Unverified po glavi {adv}on the head
Unverified na moru {adv}on the sea
biti tačanto be on time
doći na vremeto be on time
ići na odmorto go on holiday
levo {adv}to / on the left
desno {adv}to / on the right
i tako dalje <itd.>and so on <ASO>
Unverified Beć sam krenuo!I'm on my way!
Već sam na putu!I'm on my way!
desno {adv}on the right-hand side
na desnoj strani {adv}on the right-hand side
s desne strane {adv}on the right-hand side
Unverified na krovu sveta {adv} [fig.]on top of the world [idiom]
лит. Ф Kafka na obali mora [Haruki Murakami]Kafka on the Shore [Haruki Murakami]
Unverified u bekstvu {adv}on the run [from the police, authorities, etc.]
Unverified dobiti po prstima [sv.] [često fig.]to get a rap on the knuckles [also fig.]
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